Door access requirements:
We require annual
acceptance of the door
policies. Please print, read & sign.
Bring to the facility for a quick
demonstration on door usage.
Please bring a copy of your current
ODL, Your ODL must have your
current resident address.
Thank you!
Address change with DMV is required
if you move and you must print the receipt
and present it with your new or renewal
Door Access Application
We do not accept utility bills as
proof of address.
Entry and Exit continues to be the biggest challenge of the self service door system. So what are your responsibilities as a user?
Lift your Head, Look Around & LOCK the door
Most important thing to remember is SAFETY and SECURITY. NEVER let another person enter as you come and go. Please do NOT let the door swing close by itself - grab it and pull or push. YES you are 100% responsible for locking the door behind you.
Rule: You are on Camera and we must see who is entering as required by our insurance provider. Please do not wear a face covering during Fob Hours.
The message is the same to EVERY ACTIVE Fob holder: DO NOT LET ANYONE ELSE IN, SAY NO! This is not a surprise to anyone so don't be convinced into allowing entrance to another person even if you know them.
The contract you sign when you accept your Fob outlines the punishment for violations:
$150 fine to all parties for any violation of the agreement
Loss of your door access privileges.
We take this very seriously - Your door Fob is a Key to our door.
Your Door Fob is a KEY and must be protected as such. You must notify us immediately if your Fob is lost or stolen.
We appreciate your attention to the safety and security of the facility, other patrons & yourself